Dongbu Electronic Materials R&D Center基于最高新的研究设备、优秀研究人员和全球独家技术之金属磁粉制造技术,活跃开展金属软磁粉芯及新材料研究。
材料研究所本着严谨的分析与挑战精神,设计和提供个性化的顾客定做式零部件/材料,本着顾客至上的宗旨削减total cost和提供total solution等,全力满足顾客需求。

Ultra Flux / High Flux Quality No.1 product manufacturing technology and product reserves
Alloy design and process technology new composition and impurity control
- Alloyed metal alloy design and technology
- Shaped core molding technology products
- Powder Metallurgy Technology held
Magnetic materials and magnetic circuit design technology
Powder microstructure control and analysis technologies
Atomizing / fine powder / particle size control / high yield
Powder coating and insulation process technology including insulating materials and processes
Customized powder and Manufacturing Technology
High-strength core-impregnated technology(World class)
Alloys / products and the unique shape of the reactor design
- Heat control / core selection / coil winding design
CPI assembly and high magnetic permeability powder manufacturing technology
Flake powdered magnetic sheet and using the same manufacturing technology